Ecosistemas de Aprendizaje

Design, Technology, and Ubiquitous Learning

About the Project


November 2015


Lima, Peru

With support from:

Fundación Telefónica

This is the video from a presentation I made in late 2015 for Fundación Telefónica in Lima, as part of their Mayéutica conference series. It’s the result of ongoing research around learning, education, technology, and design.

In short: the magnitude of the impending transformations coming in the next few years will require an entire new mindset and toolkit for people to be able to tackle them. To think about the displacement of jobs generated by automation and artificial intelligence will require people who can effectively think across multiple disciplines, lenses, and problem areas, but most of our educational system is not geared to work this way — especially when you think about Peruvian public education.

Design can be useful in helping us think about alternative learning futures. We think about transforming schools all the time, but the whole point of digital technologies is that information flows are no longer constrained to physical spaces. Instead, we can and should think about designing integrated ecosystems that cut across multiple spaces and create learning opportunities for students at home, at school, and everywhere else.